The notes contained on this page are from my personal file of suggestions given to me by various teachers over time and conversations I have had with other practitioners of Iyengar yoga.
This page is not intended to be a primer for yoga beginners.   Although some basic aspects of the yogasanas are covered, the suggestions given below are meant to be guidelines to help people who are already familiar with the basic form of the asanas and are seeking to explore different aspects of the asanas and become more aware of subtle alignments.   Because there is some inherent danger in many of these positions, practitioners should seek guidance from an experienced yoga teacher before trying to apply the guidelines on this site to their own yogasana practice.
I hope these notes will be a stepping stone to those making progress on the path of yoga.   Namaste. January 16, 2006:   Currently updating these asanas:   Pascimottanasana, Janu Sirsasana, Upavistha Konasana, Maricyasana I & III, and Bharadvajasana I.   The anatomic terminology and blanket folding sections are under construction.   Thank you for your patience.
  General principles for yoga practice |   Sequencing of asanas |
  Courtesy at the yoga school |   Yama and Niyama |
  The ancient art of blanket folding |   Basic anatomical terminology |
  Information in table form |   How to contribute to this page |
  Recommended reading and resources |   Dedication and gratitude |
"We shall not cease from exploration.
And the end of all our exploring,
Will be to arrive where we started,
And to know that place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
Iyengar Yoga Official Site -- Includes a link to the Iyengar Yoga Teachers Directory.
Iyengar Yoga Resources -- An extensive catalog of internet resources for Iyengar yoga including both educational materials and commercial sites carrying yoga equipment.
The Yoga Journal Online -- An excellent resource with a good description of alignments in all the basic asanas and archived articles with details about specific asanas.
Yogafont -- By Bill Grainger.   A free font for Mac or PC that allows you to assign asana figures to each key of the keyboard.   The asana gifs on this site are all made using Yogafont 3.0.
Linguist's Software -- A professional font company that produces True Type fonts for various languages.   Almost all Devanagari script on this website is in the LaserHindi Sanskrit font from Linguist's Software.
I have no reimbursement from or financial interest whatsoever in any of the websites represented by the preceeding links.